Australian Space Research Conference

Broaden Our Horizons: Hobart, September 25 - 27, 2023

About the Conference

The 21st Australian Space Research Conference (ASRC) will be held in Hobart in 2023 at the university of Tasmania’s Sandy Bay campus.

The conference is co-hosted by the National Committee for Space and Radio Science and the National Space Society of Australia, in partnership with the Mars Society of Australia. The organising committee extends a warm invitation to space scientists, engineers, educators, and industry, government, and NGO personnel.

$80 for a single day sessions ; $200 for all 3 day sessions.

All food is included during the day sessions

September 25 - Cocktail function

September 26 - Conference dinner - $90 per person

Outreach Activities

Monday September 25

David Cooper Memorial Lecture
Presenter : Associate Professor Katarina Miljkovic, Curtin University
Title: “What can Mars craters tell us about planetary crusts, origin of meteorites, resources and habitability?”

Location: Physics Lecture Theatre 1
Time : 7pm start

Thursday September 28

A morning tour of the University of Tasmania’s radio telescope observatory at Mount Pleasant.

This is a short distance from the University campus at Sandy Bay. Delegates will be asked to register their interested in attending this as it an optional activity.